
Search for: County Jails, State Prisons and Federal Jails

Advanced Search for any Facility or Correctional Institution

Inmates Search by jail, county, stateYou can perform an advanced search for facilities like county jails, state prisons and all types of federal prisons by inserting the facility name to the following form. You can refine your search by choosing “Location” from all of the available states and counties or search by type of facility.

  • Jail Name

  • Location

  • Type

You can browse the search results to find your desired facility and select the jail that you want to find more information. On the facility’s page you will find all the available information like inmate search links, facility address, map, telephone numbers, fax numbers and any other useful information about inmates, rules, commissary etc.


If you don’t know where your friend, family member or client is housed, or you just want to run a criminal background check on someone, you can start by browsing our County jails page, State Prisons page or Federal Prisons page where you will find our FREE inmate lookup service and all the necessary tips to locate inmates, prisoners, offenders and all the available Offender Search links. You will find all the available public information that you can use to search for people in jails or prisons. For example, you can call or send an email to a facility to get more information about inmates housed there, inmate visitation, inmate mail address, policies of the facilities, commissary information and other inmate services.


You can also search inmates on federal websites. You will find the links on the desired facility’s page.


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